Check your keyword position in different search engines for free
Search engine ranking monitoring
Competitor analysis
Web, YouTube or AppStores
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Check your keyword position in different search engines for free
Quick check - keyword ranking / position
We use the biggest search engines to check your position up to the 10th page.
Keyword (e.g. online bookstore)
Domain (e.g.
Check ranking
What our customers say
arbitrary amount of domains and keywords
choose from many search engines
choose diefferent languages
monitor Maps
White label service
manage sub accounts for your customers
API service
monitor one domain with 5 keywords
up to 2 different searchengines
monitor the positions
weekly Excel report by email
online analysis
Track search engine, Youtube or App Store rankings.
Ranking-Spy is a tool for keyword ranking reports & analytics.
You can display your results using charts and spreadsheets.
You even will receive emails with detailed Excel reports regulary.
Free test for 14 days ...
Free test for 14 days ...
Cost: Free!
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With our online tool you can monitor an unlimited number of keywords and domains. Track the positions on various serch engines and compare them to historical data and your competitors.
Our profressional service includes the following
Personalized sub-system for search engine position monitoring within
Full access control (user management, definition of monitoring patterns, monitoring management, monitoring of results) via the internet portal Your customers can log in themselves.
Regular adjustment of to changes in the search engines
Personalized portal with a custom logo
Regular reports to you and your customers by email
Optional: access via API for all functions (WebService)
Request form for new customer acquisition directly after your online ranking check
Access to the monitoring of many different search engines and locales inclusive monitoring of Google Maps
Minimum contract period: 3 months
Period of notice: 20 days to the end of a month
The price of is calculated based on the monthly measurements.
An example: If you monitor 100 keywords once every three days on one search engine you will need: 100 (keywords) x 1 (searchengine) x 10 (executions per month - the equivalent of every three days) = 1,000 measurements a month.
If you need more than 38.000 measurements per month please contact
You will receive new credentials for the test. Your current free account remains unchanged.